Middle Market Survey - Please Share Your Insight on Illinois' Mid-Market Economy
The National Center for the Middle Market (NCMM) was formed in 2011 by The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business and GE Capital.  The Center's objective is to provide resources to middle market businesses, policymakers, media, academics, service providers, and others.  For example, initial research has uncovered that the U.S. middle market, businesses with annual revenue between $10 million and $1 billion, contributes approximately one-third of non-government GDP and jobs in the country.  And if it were its own country, the middle market would rank as the fifth largest economy in the world!

Working in partnership with the NCMM and other Illinois associations including the Illinois Chamber of Commerce, the research is intended to provide valuable insights into the powerful but often ignored segment of the economy - the middle market.  Too large to be considered start-ups but not large enough to benefit from the resources of the Fortune 1000, middle market businesses continue to be resilient job creators and pillars of their communities.  We seek to know more about this group of companies in Illinois, and share this story with the rest of the country.

To accomplish this objective, a survey has been developed to gather the most effective profile of this segment.  However, we need your participation to shape the picture of the Illinois middle market.  The survey, included with this letter, will take 15 minutes to complete, and participants will not be identified unless they choose to be contacted for additional information.

We look forward to your support and will share the findings with you so you have better knowledge of the middle market in your community.  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to either of us for more information.  I also invite you to visit the NCMM website for more information regarding our work to date (www.middlemarketcenter.org).

To participate in this survey, please click on the link below.  It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.  Your participation is greatly appreciated! If you have already participated, please disregard this email and thank you for your time.
Click here to Take the Survey

Laurie Silvey
Associate Vice President, Business Services Division
Illinois Chamber of Commerce


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